Maliha to Kalba Bus Timetable and Fares

Fajar Al Khaleej

Cover Maliha To Kalba
Cover Maliha To Kalba

The economical bus service provides transportation between Maliha and Kalba through its established routes. Emirates transport services today provide a bus route that connects every region of the United Arab Emirates.

Bus time data and travel guidance systems let passengers check their journey progress between Maliha and Kalba. The article gives complete travel details about Maliha to Kalba buses by displaying operational schedules and directions with helpful recommendations to enhance the experience.

Maliha To Kalba Route Map
Maliha to Kalba Route Map

The Easiest and Cheapest Way to Travel

Maliha To Kalba Route Option
Maliha to Kalba Route Option

Estimated Trip Duration
1 hours 25 min

Trip Fare
AED 20


Trip Breakdown

  • On Foot: 20 min (Arrive at Maliha, Settlement)
  • Bus 616: 28 min (Every hour) – Alight at Dhaid, Post Office 2
  • On Foot: 2 min (Walk to Dhaid, Post Office 1)
  • Bus 611: 2h 13 min (Every few hours) – Alight at Kalba Industrial
  • Bus 611: 23 min (Every few hours) – Alight at Al Agoula Al Khan Mosque
  • On Foot: 29 min (Walk to Kalba, City)

Tips for Traveling from Maliha to Kalba

  • Plan Ahead with Timetables: Advance schedule checking enables passengers to avoid wasting time while waiting. Travelers can achieve secure and continuous journeys when they confirm the correct operating hours of Maliha to Kalba buses.
  • Budget-Friendly Travel: The public transportation system allows persons who live in Maliha and Kalba to travel between the destinations. Public transport payment processes simplify when users combine exact cash payments with public transport cards.
  • Avoid Peak Hours: During peak hours the bus becomes completely full because traffic jams frequently occur on the route. A journey becomes most agreeable during midday until late evening when passengers schedule their trips.
  • Stay Updated on Route Changes: Periodic modifications to bus routes emerge from roadworks and environmental alterations that require route adjustments. The system updates provide information regarding service disruptions for bus passengers.
  • Ensure Comfort During Your Journey: Having water bottles together with snacks creates comfort throughout bus journeys regardless of distance traveled. Reading books along with headsets provides a better means to fill commuting time.

The Bus transportation system runs daily bus services that create reliable links between Maliha and Kalba. Efficient planning and updated schedules and strategic travel choices make the connection between these Emirates more convenient. Business people and leisure travelers benefit from the transportation option between Maliha and Kalba through its economic and practical service.

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Fajar Al Khaleej

I am student in UAE who love write everything about United Arab Emirates, the people around the world must know about the lovely of UAE by reading my articles