Detailed Route and Stops for Bus F8 in Dubai


Bus Route

Bus F8 Route

The Bus F8 route covers a diverse range of stops, facilitating access to numerous landmarks and facilities in Dubai:

  1. Al Nahda, The Sheffeild Private School 1
  2. Zuleikha Hospital
  3. Al Nahda, 19A Street
  4. Madina Supermarket
  5. 12th Street
  6. Canary Building
  7. Sahara Center
  8. Dubai Carmel School
  9. Al Qusais, Public Transport Depot
  10. MAN Motors
  11. Al Qusais Industrial Area
  12. Damascus Road, 4
  13. Damascus Road, 3
  14. Damascus Road, 2
  15. Damascus Road
  16. Dubai Grand Hotel
  17. Emarat Petrol Station Al Mawred
  18. DAFZA
  19. Emirates Engineering
  20. Al Twar Dialysis Center
  21. Emirates Metro
  22. Dubai Municipality Garage
  23. Mawakeb School
  24. Dubai Festival City, Marks & Spencer
  25. Dubai Festival City, IKEA
  26. Dubai Festival City, Festival Centre

Bus F8 Station Overview

Al Nahda, The Sheffield Private School 1

Al Nahda The Sheffield Private School 1

The Al Nahda, The Sheffield Private School 1 bus station is strategically located near The Sheffield Private School in the Al Nahda area. This station caters to students, parents, and staff of the school, providing essential amenities such as sheltered waiting areas and real-time bus schedule updates.

The proximity to the school ensures that the station is a convenient stop for the school community, facilitating easy access to and from educational activities. The station’s facilities support efficient and comfortable transportation, making it a crucial part of the local transit network for the school population.



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