Damascus Road 3 Bus Stop: Location and Details in Dubai



  • Ghafat Restaurant: Known for its diverse menu and friendly atmosphere.
  • Surya Restaurant: Offers a range of traditional dishes.
  • Daily Restaurant: Popular for its casual dining and quick meals.
  • Malabar Makhan Restaurant: Specializes in South Indian cuisine.
  • AI Tasamoh Kitchen and Mandi Tesgurant Restaurant: Renowned for its mandi dishes.
  • Eastern Food Restaurant: Offers a variety of Eastern dishes.
  • Rihan Restaurant: Known for its hearty meals and welcoming environment.
  • Desi Adda Restaurant: Provides a taste of traditional South Asian cuisine.


  • Dubai Residential Quasis: A notable residential area nearby.
  • Reem Asia Trading: A prominent trading company in the vicinity.
  • Tawjeeh Center: A facility offering various public services.




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