Al Ghubaiba to Ibn Battuta Bus Timings, Fare and Schedule

Fajar Al Khaleej

If you’re planning to travel from Al Ghubaiba Bus Station to Ibn Battuta Metro Bus Station, public transportation in Dubai offers an affordable and straightforward route. Using the bus is both budget-friendly and lets you enjoy the sights of the city along the way. This guide provides all the details on timing, fares, and the step-by-step journey to help make your trip as smooth as possible.

Al Ghubaiba To Ibn Battuta Route Map
Al Ghubaiba to Ibn Battuta Route Map

Quickest Travel Options

Fastest Route Available For Al Ghubaiba To Ibn Battuta
Fastest Route Available for Al Ghubaiba to Ibn Battuta

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Fajar Al Khaleej

I am student in UAE who love write everything about United Arab Emirates, the people around the world must know about the lovely of UAE by reading my articles