Al Dhaid to Kalba Bus Timings and Fares

Fajar Al Khaleej

Cover Al Dhaid To Kalba
Cover Al Dhaid To Kalba

Operating transportation routes enable the economical bus service to connect Al Dhaid with Kalba. People today can use Emirates buses to reach all areas within the United Arab Emirates.

The travel guidance system when combined with bus time data enables passengers to track their rides between Al Dhaid and Kalba. The article presents entire travel details about Al Dhaid to Kalba buses with operating schedules and navigational assistance and practical advice for better transportation.

Al Dhaid To Kalba Route Map
Al Dhaid to Kalba Route Map

Fastest Route and Most Affordable Option

Al Dhaid To Kalba Route Option
Al Dhaid to Kalba Route Option

Estimated Trip Duration
1 hours 31 min

Trip Fare
AED 25.00


Trip Breakdown

  • On Foot: 39 min (Arrive at Al Dhaid, City)
  • Bus 860: 10 min – Alight at Dhaid, Post Office 1 (860m on foot)
  • Bus 616: 2h 11 min (Every few hours) – Alight at Kalba Industrial
  • Bus 616: 23 min – Alight at Dhaid – Al Amawed Supermarket Stop 2
  • On Foot: 29 min (Arrive at Kalba, City)

Tips for Traveling from Al Dhaid to Kalba

  • Plan Ahead with Timetables: Looking up bus schedules in advance helps passengers avoid wasted waiting times at bus terminals. Travelers can achieve secure and continuous transportation by confirming the right operating times of buses between Al Dhaid and Kalba.
  • Budget-Friendly Travel: People living in Al Dhaid can travel to Kalba together with residents of Kalba by riding on public buses. Public transport payment processes become more convenient when users combine exact payment with public transport cards.
  • Avoid Peak Hours: During peak hours the bus reaches its maximum number of passengers because traffic congestion occurs frequently. Travel is most enjoyable during midday through late evening hours selected by passengers for their commuting period.
  • Stay Updated on Route Changes: The bus system modifies its routes by conducting periodic changes which result from roadworks and changing environmental factors. Service disruptions affecting bus routes are available for passengers to check through system updates.
  • Ensure Comfort During Your Journey: Water bottles with snack items offer comfort to travelers regardless of their travel distance. A combination of reading books with headphone usage produces an enhanced solution for spending travel time.

Bus transportation runs daily buses which provide reliable transport links between Al Dhaid and Kalba. Efficient planning and updated schedules and strategic travel decisions result in improved convenience for the travel connection between these Emirates. The transportation service caters to both business professionals and tourism travelers who need to connect between Al Dhaid and Kalba because of its affordable and functional operation.

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Fajar Al Khaleej

I am student in UAE who love write everything about United Arab Emirates, the people around the world must know about the lovely of UAE by reading my articles